YouTube Channel “The Superhero Scientist” is Live!

First videos for the channel are now online.

It’s been on the cards for some time, but my YouTube channel – The Superhero Scientist – is now online! The channel will feature videos on the science and engineering behind superheroes and their superpowers, as well as lots of other similar topics. And you can certainly expect some surprises!

Logo for The Superhero Scientist

My new channel – The Superhero Scientist – has been a long time coming, but now it’s live! The channel will feature lots of videos on science and engineering topics, many of which will be connected to the superhero genre. But there’s also be stand alone videos too – that’s videos that feature and explain key concepts in science and engineering.

Flash and Vibranium feature in 1st Superhero Videos

Late last year the first videos published on the channel featured Santa Claus with topics such as timezones, COVID-19, and time travel taking centre stage.

In the first superhero video, the Flash is the hero in the spotlight, while the difference between speed and velocity is discussed in relation to the speedster’s breathtaking speeds.

Screen shot from 1st video.
Screenshot from the first superhero video based on The Flash, speed, and velocity.

The second superhero video is based on Vision, Black Panther, and vibranium. It takes a look at this wondrous chemical element and where you might find it on the Periodic Table of Elements.

Be sure to check out these videos and of course, subscribe to the channel to keep up-to-date with the latest videos.

And also – just to let you know, a new website for BW Science is on the way! Stay tuned for the new website, and a comprehensive list of the scientific services offered by BW Science.