Charming book about Superheroes – de Volkskrant

It seems like an eternity since I spoke on RTE’s Ryan Tubridy show in March of this year, the first media promotion of my book “Secrets of Superhero Science”. Since that interview in March, there have been talks, presentations, workshops, interviews and newspaper articles, and I’ve got to say I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.

One major goal that I had set myself this year was to have an article/review about the book in the national newspapers in the Netherlands. In April, I had three articles about the book published in local and national newspapers in Ireland. However, given that I wrote the book here in the Netherlands, I always felt that it was important to promote the book nationally here. I’m an ex-pat, living in the Netherlands for more than 4 and half years and in that time the Netherlands has been very influential in my professional development. In my opinion, it was important to highlight how the Netherlands had offered encouragement for the pursuit of ideas and eventually turned some of them into reality.

So this morning when I woke up and saw the book review by Martijn van Calmthout in the national newspaper de Volkskrant, I was immensely proud to have achieved one of my major goals. I’m delighted to have received a 4 out 5 star review and also very impressed with the review by Martijn on the book. In the piece, Martijn captures the essence of the book and even describes it as a manual to build superpowers in the future. I like that take on the book and thoroughly agree with his conclusion. Here’s hoping that many people take up roles as superpower creators in the near future. We need as many people as possible building superpowers.

You can read the review (in Dutch) by clicking here.

In terms of presentations and workshops, I now have a little break until next month when I’ll be heading to Ireland for Science Week. I’m very much looking forward to that!



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